Day 1: The adventure begins!
I still remember being a kid and thinking sadly that the year 2000 might be quite dull because I'd be 38 and "over the hill". As it turned out, 2000 was anything but dull. So it's encouraging to realise that, in 2013 and at the ripe old age of 51, I'm about to embark on what could well be the biggest adventure of my life yet! Sure, Europe 2010 was massive and truly wonderful. I don't think I could embark on Europe 2013 without having that experience behind me, but this time I'm travelling solo and this time the trip is linked to exciting music events as well. So today is day 1. Soon I fly to London via a quick plane change in Singapore. All being well I land in London Sunday morning at 7:30. My friends Bec and Brock will be in town towards the end of their fabulous holiday and I'm very much looking forward to catching up.
Up, up and away!