Day 13: Walking and Het Scheepvaartmuseum
When I woke this morning it was clear and crisp outside so I got through my breakfast and got ready as quickly as possible so I could enjoy the weather. By the way, I am really enjoying all the fresh berries for breakfast.
By the time I got out the door is was 8:30 and much more quiet than it had been the previous afternoon. Much better for strolling and taking more (canal) photos. Just when you think you have captured THE perfect vista another one appears round the next corner.
I made my way toward Het Scheepvaartmuseum which is a maritime museum. On the way I passed Nemo which is the science museum. It is shaped like the bow of a boat and has an amazing sloped roof terrace that you can walk up to get a great view of the city.
The maritime museum was set out magnificently with fantastic displays in a beautiful building.
Two of the most captivating rooms housed collections of globes and navigational equipment.
On the way back I wandered the streets again, partly to see what I could find and partly to try and re-find a cool t-shirt shop I had seen the previous evening. I passed the canal museum which was on my to-do list so I wandered in for the tour. All the audio visuals I've seen here have been such high quality.
Eventually I found the t-shirt shop and made some purchases. I'm having a quiet dinner in the apartment and re-group. I might hit the town tonight, unless I fall asleep from all the walking first.
The weather today has been the best of any day on my holiday so far. Not the warmest but beautiful and clear blue skies.