Geneva to Zermatt

0630 OK, time for coffee.

0730 Breakfast.

0830 Packed. I’ve expanded the suitcase again so that my extra bag will fit on overhead racks easier.

0930 Ready to go. I activate my rail pass for today and add my journey. Fails first time but then OK. So far so good.

I get up to date with blog posts.

1000 Check out.

1015 The train station is literally across the road. When I get there I get my bearings. Everything seems to be OK. Just need to wait. Closer to departure I will pick up some lunch to take with me. There’s a Pret here!

1055 I’m hopefully on the right platform. Current train isn’t mine but next one should be.

1100 The sign just changed and that’s my train! Phew! 

1110 On the train. Not a huge amount of large luggage space but enough. Very nice train! And some interesting seating areas in addition to the usual. And announcements in English as well as French and German. Oddly, the most luggage space was in the upper deck. Not very smart.

According to my rail app, I should get off this train at Visp to change for Zermatt. But Visp isn’t being announced. I’m not too worried because the final stop Brig is only the next station and I can easily get a train to Zermatt from there. And having my Eurail pass means it’s easy to catch different trains.

Vineyards on terraces just out of Lausanne.

Trainline runs along side of Lake Geneva.

From Montreux, Visp starts appearing on the display board. Phew!

It’s a very calm, quiet and comfortable train ride.

1250 A first glimpse of a small amount of snow on one of the mountain tops.

1323 Arrive Visp. Train signs are in German now.

1341 Depart. First class is quiet and spacious. Shortly after leaving Visp they engage the cog wheel for the first time.

Can hear my ears popping..

1451 Arrive.

Wow! Unlike anywhere I have been before. Very busy. Beautiful.

Hotel 8 min walk. Staff greet me in English and are super friendly and helpful. Room is amazing with lovely picture window. Could not be happier.

1551 I head out to get information.

1650 I’ve had a lovely walk around the town. So different!

I spend time sitting in my window seat and checking out activity options.

I’ve noticed that my ankles are swollen the last couple of days. 

1840 I notice the light and head out with my camera to get my first shots of the Matterhorn with blue sky.

I spend the evening sitting in my window seat making plans. Seems like I might have missed some opportunities by leaving things to the last minute. Never mind. 

Not really hungry so I skip dinner.

2120 Bed.