Day 30 (part 3): And that was downright trippy

Last Unsound performances. Held at Krakow Philharmonic - a large concert hall maybe 1 1/2 times the size of Adelaide town hall. First performance. A guy with some electronics and field recordings. Plus a pianist, violinist, tuned percussionist and tenor sax player I think. Field recordings play, giving a feeling of open space, maybe a forest, nothing distinct. Musicians creating dreamy textures. Dappled images of leaves or similar projected onto the back of the stage. I actually almost nod off at first but that's probably fall out from last night. I regain my focus and find it mesmerizing. The subtle interplay of electronic and "real" instruments works well.

Second performance. A guy with a guitar and some electronics. Plus a drummer with standard drum kit and a 12 piece string section. Guy with guitar starts making sounds. Drummer comes in with a light cymbal rhythm. The strings come in but indistinguishable as strings. Actually making sounds I've never heard before. Guy with guitar and drummer intensify. Turns into a full on jazz/rock improvisation but with electronic drones instead of electric guitar. Every now and then the strings come back in, but again with sounds unlike strings. Almost atonal. Pretty amazing, unlike anything I have ever heard. Not sure I liked it, but I really enjoyed the experience.

Leaving the hall it's the last time I'll see so many faces I have come to recognize, for people I have not come to know. Probably some really interesting people. I've lost the opportunity now. I'm very disappointed with myself.

Back at the apartment. One last tidy up before heading to bed. I have to be up earlyish to get to the airport.