Caledonian Sleeper to Fort William and on to the Isle of Skye

0430 We come to a stop. Edinburgh Waverley. This is where the train will split up. Ironically, the quiet and stillness make getting back to sleep hard and I lay awake. By about 0500 we are off again.

I don’t get properly back to sleep but I think I doze a bit.

0625 It’s light so I peek outside. Wow! Hills and a loch. I discover we’ve just left Glasgow and we’re on our way to the highlands.

I booked breakfast for 0700, so I get up. I can’t work out how to adjust the temp on the shower so it’s a bit brutally cold. Wakes me up though.

0700 Now to find the club car. I was warned it may have moved when the train split. I head towards the front, but that’s the wrong way. Turn around. As I had hoped, it’s very quiet and I have a table waiting. I wanted the more substantial breakfast to keep me going. The views out the club car windows are perfect.

0740 I head back to my cabin to enjoy the view.

I get the usual experience of soaking in the views and taking photos until it becomes predictable. Then after turning away for just a moment you turn around to see something new  and exciting all of the sudden. And usually scramble to get the camera too late.

It’s clearly going to be cooler up here. I change to cargo pants.

1000 Arrive on time. The Jacobite steam train is on platform. That would have been a more fun way to get to Mallaig but they only sell return tickets. Also, the older carriages wouldn’t have much luggage space. The views will be the same on my modern train.

Cool and very light rain. Decide to get out my spray jacket.

Waiting for the train and the station is getting very busy. The advertised train is for Glasgow; could that really be where all these people are headed or will my train be packed? Turns out they are all going to Glasgow! Not sure what to expect for mine.

1212 Train arrives on time. Plenty of luggage rack space.

1245 We cross over the Glenfinnan viaduct

1304 Feeling very tired. Might just need food.

1330 Arrive. Short walk to ferry terminal. I grab a very basic cheese roll just to keep me going.

1400 Waiting to board ferry. Not many foot passengers, mainly cars.

1420 Depart.

1450 Arrive.

Angela is waiting with the car. She is lovely and offers so much information and advice.

1520 I drive off. The car is a red Skoda Fabia. Just the right size for me. Always nervous driving a different car but I get used to it in no time. I drive to Broadford first to get supplies. So many decisions to make.

1616 Shopping done, I head to the cabin. I miss the turn off and have to drive on for a while before I can turn back. Second time ok. The Owners instructions are good and I find it ok. Seems just as I had expected.

1707 Wine time and relax. Been a big day!

2013 I’ve had a good dinner and washed some clothes. Feeling very peaceful here. Quiet with just the feint sounds of wind and sea. What a stark contrast to the last few days.

2044 I’m exhausted! I’ll head up to bed but it’s still so light.

The bed is very comfortable and with the aid of an eye mask I immediately fall asleep.