The Old Man of Storr
I sleep solidly until midnight and then again until about three when I start to see light.
0400 I check the time. It’s very light. I want to be up and out early today but this is TOO early. I doze a couple more times.
0530 Still tired but I can feel my brain turning on so maybe I will stir. Later in my stay the weather isn’t looking so good, so I will lay in a bit later then.
It’s so lovely outside. Cool but nice. Sky clearing. I have breakfast, shower and get myself ready. A bit of planning required since it’s been a while since I last did a proper walk. I should have bought trail snacks yesterday. I make a marmalade sandwich instead.
0800 Time to hit the road. My primary goal is to walk to the Old Man of Storr; an iconic rock formation you can see for miles around. I stop for a few photos along the way.
0924 I reach the car park. It’s busy already.
It’s by no means a hard walk but it’s not a push over either. The trail is full of every age. Many people with their dogs both large and small. I need many stops to catch my breath. I realise just how out of shape I am. But I would make those stops to take photos anyway, so no loss. The objective is a ridge just past the Old Man. I can see people standing up there looking back the Old Man. It looks precarious but I want to check it out.
1058 I reach the top. Not anywhere as precarious as it looked but an amazing 360 view. Good 4G signal too! Lots of people, but ok. Weather was perfect on the way up but colder and slightly damp from top down. I eat my marmalade sandwich in this magical place.
1140 I decide to head down. Then I notice people walking in a further small path. I decide to investigate. More awesome scenery and some sheep. A ram is standing on the cliff edge calling out.
1210 Time to head down - really this time.
Part way down there’s a guy playing a sort of Celtic flute. Amazing.
1300 Back down. There’s a coffee shack just past the car park and I desperately hope it’s open. It is! A nice flat white and a muffin while I gaze at the islands off the coast. And some bagpipes have just started up across the road.
1346 I couldn’t do another big walk or climb but I’m ok to do something. I decide to head to Lealt falls.
1400 On my way the sun comes out to finally light up the islands I’ve been trying to photo - now I’m on the road! But a lookout is up ahead and makes a great stop.
1418 I’m at Lealt lookout.
1450 I think I should start heading home.
1502 I stop at small waterfall.
I make a few more stops on the way home as I see photo opportunities.
1706 Finally home. There have been many photo stops along the way. Very nice to have my own transport and the time to just stop when I want. I also popped in to the co-op in Broadford for more supplies.
It’s very warm and sunny with only patchy cloud. And still so peaceful.
1900 After dinner I force myself to work on my blog. First I need to finalise a workflow so I don’t get mixed up. I have two objectives: making a blog and ensuring at least some kind of cloud backup.