I'm sorry language, I've been taking you for granted

I've already made some mention of my language experiences and difficulties in Europe but the impact has been so profound that I have to reflect on it further. Today I was back in London and the contrast with the last 2 1/2 weeks is unbelievable. I don't think I noticed the difference so much on the last trip to Europe because we went straight from Rome to home. But now, in London, I am still a visitor doing visiting things but with the power of language and communication restored again. And it feels wonderful!

I can ask a question clearly, understand the answer, refine the question if necessary, interpret questions that are asked of me, and punctuate all that with the peripheral words, expressions and inflections that transform talking into communicating. Without this I was reduced to gestures and an awkward smile. The gestures usually did the trick but the trademark Ian Barber smile appears to hold no power in Europe, unfortunately. And I felt so dumb!

It gives me a newfound empathy for anyone who finds themselves in a foreign land without an understanding of the language or culture or anyone who finds themselves unable to communicate in the methods that civilization is geared towards because of impairment or lack of education.

Oh language, I have missed you. I will never take you for granted again.