Walking dead

It took quite some time to wind down from the excitement of Tuesday night's show. I think I eventually nodded off around 1:30 only to wake up around 5:30 unable to go back to sleep. End result = zombie yesterday. Consequently I took it easy to reserve my energy for last night's show.

Once I eventually got myself together I headed in the general direction of Trafalgar Square. I had a vague plan of heading back to the Thames. It was a nice walk and still nice weather and I was happy enough just to take in the scenery. I only took a couple of shots. I liked all of the angles in this rail bridge across the river. 


As I made my way back to the apartment I headed to Regent Street in search of a music store. Thee are some albums I've had difficulty locating in Adelaide or the Australian iTunes Store. I managed to find one of them.

I had the intention of fitting in a nap before heading to the show, but my body had other ideas. Plan B was a strong coffee.