0600 It’s the usual routine. I’ve been awake since just before 0500. I’ve listened to some music and now having my coffee. But this morning I’m also pleased to notice the soft patter of rain. Rain days force me to take things down a gear; to save me from myself. One thing I do need to do is collect my train tickets for tomorrow. I should have used one of the machines in Manchester but I forgot in my rush to catch the train. I haven’t seen many machines in the smaller stations and wonder if I’ll have to go into Manchester today. But I’ll check online and I should be able to pick them up from the Buxton station.
0655 There was a stream of people arriving last night. I think it might be something business related. This morning I hear lots of movement in the rooms around me.
0730 Time for breakfast. As expected, there are more people around today. It is very nice to slow down and take my time. Nowhere I need to be.
0815 I’ve noticed that the time stamp on photos from my camera and my iPhone are different. I check and my camera is set an hour behind. I correct it.
1000 I head down to the lounge. I’m going to sort out some photos to post to Instagram and Twitter. There are sounds of activity in the hotel but not many people to be seen.
1030 It’s started raining seriously. I don’t think it will last for long though.
1130 It’s really pouring down now.
1150 There’s a break in the rain. I head out. It’s only drizzling. Either way, I figure I need to embrace my English heritage and brave it. I go to the station and get my tickets very easily.
1230 I grab some lunch in the centre of Buxton.
1300 I wander around a bit to stretch my legs and see what else is about. Then the rain starts again and I head back to the hotel.
1320 I’m back in the dry of the hotel. I do some planning for the next few days.
1345 I’m feeling like I should be doing something. I keep having to remind myself that I don’t need to be constantly busy.
1400 I spend the afternoon watching TV. It’s fun to see what’s on the local channels.
1800 I head down for my last dinner here.
I feel that I’ve stayed just the right amount of time here. I’m ready to move on and I think I would definitely come back to explore more.
1900 I turn the TV on. The Great Model Railway Challenge is on. That’s my kind of show and I’m in my element.
2000 I need to pack my bags so I can head off early in the morning.
No photos today.