Posts tagged Hampstead Heath
19.11 Hampstead Heath and The Regent’s Park

0100 I’ve been waking on the hour. This time I glance outside and notice the moon hovering over the skyline. “That would make a great pic”, I think. But I shouldn’t bother now. I need to sleep. Oh, why not. I get my tripod out and have a go. It doesn’t capture the feel but at least I tried. I read a bit, then try to get back to sleep.

0500 I awake as usual. Despite a poor night I will do my usual routine. I’d like to get to breakfast early so I can check it out when it’s quiet. Tomorrow I might try to sleep in if I haven’t slept so well again. I look out the window; London is already getting busy again.

0630 I go down to breakfast. It’s the most diverse and extensive buffet I’ve seen.

H10 is a Spanish hotel chain and seems to cater for Spanish speaking travellers. I noticed lots of Spanish speakers out last night, so I assume it’s a big market.

In the last few days I’ve felt a little travel fatigued (#firstworldproblems) but being in London and also reflecting on this holiday has reinvigorated me.

0700 It’s cloudy as the sun rises. I work on my blog from yesterday.

0800 Time to do some planning and look up timetables.

I’ve just realised that if I look out to the far right of my window I can see the London Eye.

0910 I head out. The weather today is forecast to be partly clear with rain periods. I decide to do outside things while I can. I think the rain will get heavier as the week progresses. My plan is to head to Hampstead Heath first. I’ve been there before but would like to see it in Autumn. I’ll then make my way back through the key London parks.

0924 I catch the 168 bus to Hampstead Heath from Waterloo Road. I don’t think I’ve caught a London bus before, so I choose this over the tube.

1015 The bus gets to Hampstead Heath. I make my way to the park. No sooner do I get there that the wind whips up and showers start. I need to put my good camera away and use my iPhone at first. I walk around, visiting Parliament Hill, looking for photo opportunities and enjoying the surroundings. There are showers, sunny periods and icy wind blasts. Many people are walking in the park, most with dogs.

1200 Time to move on. I’ve made my way to Hampstead underground station. I catch the Northern line to Euston.

1210 The train gets to Euston. I find my way to The Regent’s Park. Again, there are showers and sunny periods. I wander around most of the Park. I don’t think I’ve been here before. It’s larger than I realised, with lots of sections, walks and gardens.

1400 I’ve walked a lot and I’m getting tired. Time for a rest. I stop at a café in the park. I have a piece of beetroot chocolate cake and a coffee. The cake is delicious!

1430 I had planned to visit a couple of other parks but I’m worn out. I make my way to Baker Street underground station and catch the Bakerloo line back to Waterloo.

1445 I get back to Waterloo station and walk back to the hotel.

1500 Back in the hotel, I change and sit in the bar/lounge downstairs as I go through my photos.

1530 A heavy but brief downpour.

1700 A quiet night as usual.